This is "Taiwan's first comprehensive survey of women and diverse leadership", 2021 International Women's Day, thousands of people participated, women lost the results of the survey, looking forward to this survey, to broaden the general public's imagination and definition of leadership.

Leadership everyone has, reflects the field also beyond the workplace, in the practice of multi-leadership on the way, in addition to the past rigid leadership characteristics to make a reverse, we look forward to from this moment to create change, leadership into every day of life, leading themselves, can move towards the ideal life.

"True leadership comes from personal sincerity, sometimes not even perfect. Leaders should strive for sincerity, not perfection. 」
Facebook Chief Operating Director Shirley Sandberg

Since 2017, Facebook's chief operating director, Shiro Sandberg, has brought broader discussion to women's leadership-related issues after she suggested three recommendations for women leaders in TED Talk, 'Why we have too few female leaders.' "Let's start by acknowledging that we're lucky that we're not living in the world where our mothers and grandmothers live, when women's career choices were so limited," she said at the beginning of her speech. 」

From equal rights to empowerment, women have to choose between professional achievement and personal practice in order to reach the pinnacle of any profession, and what kind of pressures and obstacles they still face today is exactly what we want to discuss today.

To this end, Taiwan's largest female media community - women fans Womany, this year's 1,000-person survey to "multi-leadership" as the title, look forward to the leadership covers the scope of the field, the field of occurrence, in addition to focusing on leadership in the end of the show, but also the scope of leadership to expand the scope of self, family, relationships, society and other different levels.

Self-leadership is closer to everyone's imagination of leadership!

"By sharing everything, you will facilitate discussion, exchange and reinterpretation of different ideas, which will lead to innovative and unexpected results." 」
YouTube CEO Susan Wosicki

According to the Women's Fan's Multi-Leadership Survey, the perception of leadership by different genders ㄧ more in favor of "self-leadership and self-practice (55.5%)" than "workplace leadership (52.1%)" and more in line with the public's perception of leadership.

"Self-leadership" focuses on emotional and time management, adjusting the difference in energy in life and work, and leading oneself toward the desired goal. As can be seen from the above survey results, more than 50% of the respondents believe that "leading their own direction in life, having the right way of life (55.5%)" is most in line with their own vision of leadership, which is also the most important and fundamental part of the process of pushing leadership to others.

In addition, social interaction situations that were less relevant to self-growth and career development were also implanted in the questionnaire, so nearly 30% of the respondents believed that "leading relatives and friends to positive growth together (27.9%)" and "consensus business relationships with partners (27.5%)" were more in line with their vision of leadership.

Leader's most important competency: regardless of gender, is considered "emotional adjustment ability"

"If you don't have the emotional ability, you don't have self-awareness, you can't handle frustrating emotions, and you can't use empatheth and effective relationships, so no matter how smart you are, you won't go too far." 」
Daniel Gorman, a famous American writer and psychologist

In the "Three abilities you think a good leader should have best" question group, more than 60% of the subjects identified "emotional adjustment ability ( 61.4%)" as the most important leadership trait, and more than 50% said they were "insight into trends and good at it." Setting a target channel (51.4%)" is an important competency indicator for leaders;

Leadership psychologist Thomas Chamorro-Premuzic, in his book Why We Always Choose Unfit Men as Leaders, points out that leadership positions have never been able to practice equality between men and women, mainly because they come from most parts of the world and the concept of leadership is still too masculine.

So when women talk about what important leadership traits are, they add options that break through the existing leadership framework, including mood regulation, vision, consultation, high stress resistance, coaching ability, empathy, and so on.

According to the findings, the vast majority of respondents were more concerned about the leader's ability to "maintain personal and team emotional stability" than the leader's personal qualities and expertise.

This is also evidenced by what psychologist Daniel Goleman says in His Book Of Emotional Leadership: The Power of Emotion Intelligence that the most important thing for a leader is not technology and talent, but "emotional leadership" to create a good atmosphere for the environment in which he or she lives and to feed the people around him. The enthusiasm of continuous effort can promote the harmonious and harmonious growth of the organization and the community.

More than 60% of women are most likely to have a "visionary" leadership trait

"As a leader, I'm tough on myself and I've raised standards for everyone. But I will let go of my concern because I want all people to do well in what they do. 」
PepsiCO CEO Indra Nooyi

Interestingly, when asked "What are the leadership traits you want most", more than 60% of the subjects as a whole wanted vision (61.4%), the second was professional skills (55.6%) and the third was consultative skills (47.8%).

However, different genders expect slightly different expectations of their leadership traits.

When we look at gender choices, we find that the leadership traits that men generally want most are "professional skills" (e.g., those with depth or breadth of expertise, breakthrough and innovation);

At the same time, men contradict between "leader Role Model expectations" and "expectations of their abilities." When men choose "leaders need competence most", their professional skills rank in the bottom row, while "emotional adjustment" comes first, but the leadership they want most is "professional skills", which show the opposite of "expectations of leaders".

Thus, men generally believe that they still rely on "professional skills" to achieve better development in their careers, while the vast majority of those in power and leaders lack the most "emotional adjustment skills", echoing Thomas Chamorro-Premuzic's book Why We Always Choose Unfit Men as Leaders: "It's not just gender bias, it's fundamental." The actual talent for leadership is completely out of touch with our assumptions about leadership. The personality traits and behaviors of a leader are completely different from the skills necessary to lead effectively. 」

The Multi-Leadership Survey attracted 1,565 repeaters, with the majority of full-time managers (47.8%), followed by students (17.1%), grass-roots supervisors (11.2%), freelance workers (9.5%), and the rest full-time housekeepers, middle executives and company leaders. Participants were mostly aged 19 to 29 (54.2 per cent) and 30 to 39 (31.6 per cent). The ratio of men to women is still very different, with nearly 78.9 per cent of women, 17.9 per cent of people of multiple sexes and 3.1 per cent of male subjects answering questions.