Sex, is it possible to make more and more love? If sex with your partner makes you not very satisfied, or you can't find a sensitive zone, how do you adjust it...

If a little angel suddenly pops up on the road and flies over with a microphone and asks, "Are you satisfied with the sex you have now?" We often hear the following answers:

  • "I feel that sex is not what I want now, but I don't know how to communicate..."
  • "It's not bad, but there are some places where I hope the other party can do better, and I dare not say."
  • "Fear of ruining the atmosphere or hurting the other person's self-esteem."
  • "It's embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing...

The little angel nodded thoughtfully, he could hear your heart, he understood your embarrassment and helplessness, but the little angel also tapped your head with a bow and arrow, reminding you that your partner didn't know anything!

Can sex really "make more and more love"?

Each of us is a different individual, so the other party is often unable to understand what kind of touch we like in sex.

Especially when your sex process is not going well, resulting in an embarrassing situation, and you are angry and blame the other party for "why don't you understand your own intentions", hoping that the other party can "guess" your feelings - in fact, this may be more difficult to achieve the sex you expect!

"Whether the need for service is stressful for the other party", women think about this too often, so they dare not talk about needs. Therefore, in the layers of misunderstandings and frictions, the love and understanding of the full surplus may slowly fade.

When we can directly tell each other what we want, like, and dislike, we are co-creating a sexual experience that "makes each other enjoyable."

And this is also the key to long-term stable relationships, sex can "do more and more love"!

(You'll love: Women Obsessed with Orgasm Survey: 85% of women believe that "getting in" during sex isn't the most important link!)

Photo | Photo by Jason Schjerven on Unsplash

Ask yourself, where is the switch of sensitive excitement?

But what if you don't know where you're feeling comfortable being touched, or if you're single now and don't have a regular sexual partner to explore with you?

It does not matter! Faced with this type of difficulty, the little angel throws a few questions to help you:

  • What kind of touch do you like?
  • Like where to get stimulated physically?
  • What kind of situation do you like?
  • What do you like to hear to make your body more relaxed?

These questions of exploring ourselves and knowing the body can be confusing to you, because this society makes us ask ourselves too little, and society rarely asks women, "What do we desire?" "What excites us?"

So we'll hear...

  • "I don't enjoy sex, but I don't know how to make it better."
  • "When my partner asks me how I like to be touched, I get confused."
  • "My partner wants me to be more proactive in bed, but I don't know how to start..."

Honey, this is not true. Each of us has the ability to enjoy sex and the right to be happy and fulfilled in sex.

Through the two exercises of the Blush Deep Bed Card, we can slowly build up our understanding of the body, the position of the sensitive bands, and the strength and way we like it.

(Extended reading: 4 misconceptions about masturbation: Do single people masturbate? Does long-term masturbation reduce sexual sensitivity?

Photo | Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

Practice Tonight: Directly and boldly express your truest thoughts

Blush believes that good sex can begin in one day, and it happens long before "entering".

The Blush Deep Bed Deck card is a set of two with 40 intimate experience cards and 40 game proposal cards. One set takes you to have fun with yourself, Make Love To Myself; the other takes you to the other person's ambiguous game, A Loving Foreplay.

1. Card 29: "How do you want to be touched?"

The first game is the 29th card of "Blush Deep Bed Deck: Self-Help Intimate". Invite you to use your rich imagination:

Imagine today as your lover touching you and making love to yourself like that. So...

  • How do you want to be touched?
  • Where do you want his fingers to stay?
  • Or what kind of gentleness will you touch your lover with?

While imagining, I touched myself in that way.

This exercise will feel a little difficult and uncomfortable at first, just like having sex for the first time, but try to do it a few more times and you will become more familiar with your body. The body is also more sensitive because it is touched frequently.

2. Card 23: "I like you touching/licking/getting on me like this"

The second game recommended for you is the 23rd card of Blush Deep Bed Game: Mixed Play Foreplay.

In making love, when you encounter the contact you like, boldly tell the other party that you like his touch, and want to push harder, or want to be gentler, or back and forth, or circle, this can be provocative, can also be a bed eroticism, express your love and praise, name next time more.

Next, in fact, it is not just the time of sex, bring this awareness into the lives of both of you, share the feelings of the moment with him, and "make each other more comfortable" become a habit, become a daily routine for you and me.

(Want to see more: blushing sex self-study room| worry about the figure when making love? Rejection of body anxiety, two good practices with the body)

Intimate focus review and collation

Q: How do you make sex more and more happy?

When we can directly tell each other what we want, like, and dislike, we are co-creating a sexual experience that "makes each other enjoyable."

Q: How do I find my sensitive band?

Through the two exercises of the Blush Deep Bed Card, we can slowly build up our understanding of the body, the position of the sensitive bands, and the strength and way we like it.

Q: I feel that my body is very insensitive, what should I do?

Imagine today as your lover touching you to make love to yourself, touching yourself. After practicing a few more times, you will become more familiar with your body, and your body will become more sensitive because it is touched frequently.