Women's Fan, Taiwan's largest female content media community, released the results of the survey on the current situation and expectations of Taiwanese women's lives after the epidemic from 2020 to 2023, and found that as many as 94% of respondents said that "age difference" and "single discrimination" still exist, and nearly 30% of respondents said that the problem of unequal pay for equal work has not improved significantly for three consecutive years.

In order to achieve the vision of diversity and inclusion, women fans have created the first exclusive "multicultural empowerment and talent sustainability model" in Taiwan to help enterprises implement the policy of diversity and inclusion!

On 8 March is International Women's Day, the global theme is #Embrace Equity, embrace equity and call for the values of diversity and inclusion. Women's fans, Taiwan's largest female content media community, released the results of the survey on the current situation and expectations of Taiwanese women's lives after the epidemic from 2020 to 2023, in which up to 94% of respondents said that "age difference" and "single discrimination" still exist, making women unable to integrate into the workplace comfortably.

As a benchmark leader of the DEI movement in Asia, women's fans also provide solutions from individuals to companies, committed to promoting workplace friendliness and sustainable life, so that women can achieve personal value without fear and create positive change.

Image | International Women's Day 2023

Workplace discrimination accounts for a large number of problems, and gender equality education still needs attention

Women's fans pointed out that the survey results found that women still have existing problems in the workplace, including workplace discrimination, unequal pay for equal work, and insufficient promotion and support systems, of which workplace inclusion is the primary focus, with 94% of respondents saying that age differences and single discrimination make women seem out of place in the workplace, and more than 60% said that there are still discrimination and prejudice phenomena such as age, gender, and race in the workplace, including friendly tolerance for LGBTQ people.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, sexual harassment complaints are rising year by year, with nearly 1,500 cases in 2021, and more than 60% of respondents still believe that sexual harassment in the workplace is a social issue that needs to be solved urgently by 2022.

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

70% of women said that their families and workplaces are burning at both ends and look forward to more support

In addition to workplace discrimination, women also face obstacles in their career development, nearly 30% of respondents said that the problem of unequal pay for equal work has not improved significantly for three consecutive years since 2020, and women need to take on the role of caregivers after entering the family, which also makes them face difficulties in promotion in the workplace, under the dual attack of hardware and software, up to 72% of respondents said they expect society and family to provide care support systems, and 61% of respondents said they hope to receive psychological support to alleviate the anxiety and pressure of being caregivers.

Women's self-awareness is improved, and they pursue a sustainable life

After the epidemic, under the pressure of changing roles in the workplace and family, women have paid more attention to self-emotional care.

According to the survey of women's fans, ninety percent of female users have weekly exercise habits, hoping to improve through exercise not only physical aspects such as health and physical fitness, but also looking forward to strengthening psychological stress relief exercise, up to sixty percent of respondents have a high degree of emotional awareness, looking forward to maintaining emotional stability, followed by the desire to establish a sense of ritual in life, showing that emotional care and self-energy recovery are becoming more and more concerned by women in the post-epidemic era, and they are more willing to invest in self-care to pave the way for a sustainable life.

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Women's fans support women and propose all-round inclusion solutions to create a positive cycle

Women fans said that from the survey results, it was found that there is still more room for improvement in the awareness of diversity and inclusion in Taiwanese society, and in order to achieve the vision of diversity and inclusion, the first exclusive "Diversity Empowerment and Sustainable Talent-I Model" has been created in Taiwan, including a series of handbooks and card tools for personal awareness and self-realization, as well as internal learning and training of enterprise organizations. Help enterprises implement diversity and inclusion policies, strengthen internal core values and improve performance.

The training course is extended to two modules, "Key Role Empowerment" and "Trend Capability Development", including cultivating diverse and inclusive leaders, creating cohesive teams, improving communication quality, optimizing collaboration efficiency, unleashing the potential of female employees, training teams to resist stress and resilience, and enhancing workplace happiness, hoping to create a good cycle of diversity and inclusion from individuals to enterprises.

In order to help enterprises thoroughly implement the DEI policy, women's fans have also established a diversity and inclusion vision association, which regularly shares the latest international DEI related information and cases, and provides a platform for corporate members to communicate and learn from each other; On April 11 this year, the application for the second Diversity and Inclusion Vision Award will be opened, and the latest news can be referred to: https://womany.net/dei.

Download Women's Fan 2023 Women's Power Trend Insights Report: https://womany.net/iwd/2023

Group photo of the winners of the first 2022 DEI Vision Award for Diversity and Inclusion, and registration for the second edition will open on April 11.