Story Factory founder Wong Chi Kai shared his life "Story Factory", let's take a look at what he and Wei Xuan talked about!

Huang Zhikai is the art director of Story Factory, which is good at pushing characters to the precipice of the plot, showing the value and emotions of human nature. His motto is "Make the world what we like", believing that theatre can shape a better and more engaging world, and inspire audiences through the power of art to feel the beauty and meaning of life.

Founder of Woman Fan vs. Founder of Story Factory, if he could steal an ability from the other party, what would it be?

Wearing a short black shirt, flat head, and black-framed glasses, Huang Zhikai smiled and said that what he wanted to steal from Wei Xuan the most was execution. He said that he met Wei Xuan again after graduation, and Wei Xuan has begun to encounter a lot of hardships in the process of founding a women's fan. In many things in life, I see that Wei Xuan has been working hard.

For example, Wei Xuan found the secret photo society on Facebook, and ordinary people saw it and felt that these things should not happen, but Wei Xuan really wrote a letter to report it, and later Facebook also responded. "When injustice and injustice happen, you can do it, you will reach out and move in this direction, and I admire this." Zhi Kai said.

"A lot of people feel very unOK as you said, and this thing happens everywhere, not only on Facebook, but also on Telegram and Twitter, and then I think the mantis should block the car!" Wei Xuan said while thanking Senior Kai for his attention.

"I was wondering what I wanted to steal from you, and this answer is really pretentious." Wei Xuan laughed and said that what she wanted to steal from Zhi Kai was all his pressure.

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Image|Zhang Weixuan @ FB

Pressure under multiple roles

As a screenwriter, director, and one of the founders of Story Factory, Zhikai must also have the brand of Story Factory.

"What I admire very much is that you have been cultivating fresh liver, that is, fresh young creative talents, which I think is amazing." Wei Xuan said, and both of them laughed jokingly.

"To be good, someone must be able to tell a good story, it is not only a star and a budget, but also a good original story. It's hard for me to imagine your pressure, and then you are the father of two children, the husband, and the student of the national cultivation teacher, can you talk about how much pressure you have?" Wei Xuan asked.

Zhi Kai believes that the pressure of creation is painful but enjoyable, because thinking about things is called drama, and many drama works are about conflict, so that the characters encounter situations where they can't do anything.

Then in the play, we are always on his opposite. For example, if I agree with the point of view A, but you have to talk about the B point of view, you will fight with your own values when creating, which is a pressure.

In terms of life, if he wants to take care of the role of his father, he thinks he has achieved it. For him, there are many different roles in everyone's life, and in the theater he is the director, but back home he is the husband of a father and a wife.

"I take care of my own care because I send my children to and from school, so basically I'm home when the kids are at home. I want to be able to accompany my children as they grow, write homework and play." He said seriously.

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Image|Huang Zhikai @ FB

Wong Chi Kai's "Story Factory" in his life

Asked how he would answer if he wanted to describe the story factory in one word, Zhi Kai thought for a moment and said, "True, sincere, true." We know that drama is fake and fictional, but the characters on stage are real and authentic."

He said that a play may not be able to change your destiny or solve life's problems, and that drama is not a panacea. Wei Xuan shared with a smile that he learned how to fall in love through drama, and also told men not to use A-movies to learn what sex is.

"Drama can't solve your life's problems, but it can change your mood for one night, maybe change your perspective on something." Zhi Kai said. In addition to giving some inspiration to life, drama also has a function of companionship, letting you know that you are not alone.

The character on stage is in the same predicament as you, but he has not given up, he is still fighting and trying, and back to life, can we get some courage from this play. "I think the theater is dark enough, we should leave the audience with a light of hope on the stage." Zhi Kai shared forcefully.

This society is sometimes not black and white, and he does not make the audience feel as if he has seen the light of day again in every work, the focus is on hope. Whether you are happy or sad today, he feels that life should have hope and faith to go on.

Wei Xuan responded that she liked that Zhi Kai just shared that the theater is dark enough, and the lights will be dark and bright before the play starts, and Zhi Kai's work is like lighting a lamp for everyone in the dark night, which is a beautiful place for drama.

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Image|Huang Zhikai @ FB

"Fake play" must be "really done", is it called dedication?

Wei Xuan asked about the fact that drama should be fake and have real emotions with fake movements, and it just so happens that there have been many topics discussed recently, such as Xu Jiehui's dubbing class, in the first class, all mixed male and female students are required to conduct a group bed-calling dubbing training.

There is also a classic case where the director of the last emperor made a movie looking for Ma Long. Brando starred, and then used cream as a lubricant to really sexually assault the heroine.

In fact, many people will ask that this is part of the performance, and even the director said in the end that he did not apologize for what he did, because what he wanted to present was the real picture of a girl being humiliated, not the reaction of an actress to the performance.