Comedy son Huang Haoping to Luo! Check out his new book and the challenges he encountered on his way to becoming a comedian!

Comedy son Huang Haoping and Xuan Xuan recalled many wonderful moments of the all-star debate, as well as the performance, strategy, intentions and real feelings of the contestants, and also taught everyone how to make good use of humor from the perspective of comedians to resolve the pressure and challenges in daily life.

In addition, Hao Ping also brought a new book "More than a Comedian: Huang Haoping's Humble Survival", which shares his growth story, courage to face challenges, and continuous self-breakthrough stories.

More than a Comedian: Huang Haoping's Humble Survival

Wei Xuan shared that she saw crying when she read Hao Ping's book, in which Hao Ping mentioned that he went to become a soldier and faced a mutiny, the stage may disappear, and the audience may forget, but one of the little sisters told him that she would wait for him to return. Hao Ping also shared that hearing that there were viewers waiting for him to return, made him find that he seemed to have forgotten to pay attention to them.

As a TV performer, I often perform on the camera, but I can't see who the audience is on the other side of the camera. They can't see everyone's response, at most, everyone sees the message on the Internet, but when a live and bloody person today tells you that I like you very much, we are waiting for you to come back, which is a very important shot in the arm for him, who has lost a little confidence in the performance at that time.

Those people let him know that the performance was watched, it was actually face-to-face, so after that he would start to pay more attention to the audience, and in fact, he was constantly encouraging the audience to try to tell them that if they have someone they like, an idol they like, try to tell them that you like them and support their work, because if you don't, their eyes will be full of malicious words.

(Extended reading: Watch Sun Yezhen's "Thirty-Nine" 4 things I know before the age of 40: confess if you like it, learn to say goodbye

Image|Huang Haoping @ FB

Hindrances in the heart, worries of the family

In fact, Haoping's family did not support him very much in taking the road of comedy, and he should have more choices from the eyes of his elders. Hao Ping said that maybe it is partly because he is red, and part because they see him succeed in his work and support himself.

Most parents will object to their children's choice mainly because they think that this choice cannot bring you to a state where you can live and work in peace, marry a wife and have children, and start a family, and a small part may be taking the child as a sustenance of their own wishes, and some are pure worry.

Then his parents are more in line with this part, so when they see that he seems to be having a good time in it, and really has a way to support himself, there is no reason for parents to disapprove or disapprove. Like this time, he also sent a message to his parents to apologize, and also asked them to believe that his son was taught well, and also showed that he had no malice towards others, and his parents also responded to him that they would always support him.

He also talked about not understanding why his parents didn't accept him because he didn't communicate. Later, he thought that he should understand why the other party thinks this way and find common ground in the middle.

(Guess you like: For parents who always want to meddle in their children's homework: let go if possible)

Image|Huang Haoping @ FB

How to introduce humor and humor into life and face difficulties more easily

Wei Xuan asked what to do if a 15-year-old boy today was said to be a mother, even if he knew it was not good, but still felt sad or angry. Hauping said he might joke that you shouldn't use an iPhone or something.

But if you are really attacked, he thinks that in this modern trend, these so-called words that discriminate against comrades have become less and less common in public, and you are already a backward group of people who say these words.

Those who have a sense of sexism either hide or are eliminated by this era, and those who are really seen by everyone are people who can slowly accept that there are many diverse temperaments in this world, so that they have a chance.

"We'll be said to be sows." Wei Xuan said, Hao Ping believes that whether it is comrades or women today, there are so many label stereotypes, which means that everyone still needs to communicate. And when you hear stereotypes, don't immediately beat the other person into an enemy.

If you easily push the other person to the enemy's side, you may lose more, so now sometimes when people scold him, he thinks about why he thinks the way he does. For example, in the case of Kimberly, there is a boy on his fan page, who used to scold him before, but this time he is the friendliest in the matter, saying that he actually understands what Haoping is thinking and knows that he didn't mean it.

So never give up the opportunity to turn the other person into comrades, because it's better to be friendly than to be antagonistic. Knowing that listening is the basis of speaking, so when we really listen to what kind of voice the world has before we have something to say, and also listen to what we want to say in our hearts, and then prepare ourselves to be able to speak.

The All-Star Debate is a new show, and everyone is welcome to follow it. Hao Ping is the captain of the black team, Wei Xuan is a judge teacher inside, we are not perfect, but we have exhausted all our sincerity in this show, just like with Xuan Xuan, we also use all our sincerity to share with you, so that you can see different guests.

(Same scene plus screening: let go of the mentality that you always have to be better than others!) Listen to the heart: accept vulnerability and embrace the whole self)

Image|Huang Haoping @ FB