The representative words of the year in 2023 are released!This article selects 5 representative words to share with you, some are related to the rise of artificial intelligence, and some are related to Internet celebrities and celebrities.

Every year, many foreign institutions and media will select a vocabulary as a representative according to the global development trend of the year, which not only reflects the changes in language, but also reveals the current situation of social development.

At the end of 2023, we have picked out 5 representative words to share with you. Some of these words are related to the rise of AI artificial intelligence, and some are related to Internet celebrities and celebrities.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary: authentic

Authentic means authentic and reflects the tendency of contemporary people to think, write, aspire to and evaluate things. "Authenticity" has multiple meanings, including not being false or imitating, being true to one's character, and so on.

The search volume for real in 2023 has increased significantly, which is related to the conversations or narratives constructed between artificial intelligence, celebrity culture, identity, and social media. Among them, authenticity is often associated with identity, whether it is a country or an individual.

Singers Sam Smith and Taylor Swift have both made headlines this year for their statements about finding their true selves.

Authenticity has also become a target for brands, influencers, and celebrities, such as BeReal, a social media platform that focuses on authentic records, has successfully attracted a number of users. In the age of social media, information explosion, and the rise of AI, people are eager to find the line between truth and falsehood.

(Read more: Merriam-Webster Dictionary's 2023 Word of the Year is out!Drawing on Time Magazine's Person of the Year Thales, how can companies shape a "real" workplace culture?)

Oxford English Dictionary: Rizz is fascinating

The word rizz is taken from the middle part of the word "charisma" and refers to a person's ability to attract romantic or sexual partners through style, charm or attraction. In fact, rizz has been popular on social media for a while, and it really became popular because Tom Holland, the little spider-man, used it in interviews.

At that time, he was asked what was the secret of having a rizz, and he shyly stated that he didn't have a rizz at all, and his rizz was limited. Since then, there have been many extended uses of rizz, such as rizz up, which refers to deliberately attracting, seducing, or accosting someone.

Rizz is categorized as a Gen Z term and has become a popular hashtag and internet meme.

TikTok's new vocabulary is booming: delulu's unrealistic, overly idealistic fantasies

Delulu is derived from the word "delusional," and the definition of delusional is delusional or hallucinatory, so delulu is used to describe people who have unrealistic, overly idealistic beliefs or fantasies. For example, if someone is very obsessed with or admires a singer, they will be convinced that they will marry the other person when they meet them in the first place.

Another theory about the origin of delulu originated from the K-Pop fan community and was used to criticize other fans' beliefs and theories about K-Pop celebrities.

In addition to describing some people's exaggerated detachment from reality, the New York Times also mentions the positive power of delulu, which is also used to refer to the process of turning the impossible into a possibility, which is a self-motivation for the younger generation.

(Guess you want to watch: "I have had fantasies, and when I walk into reality, I have to mature" comedy mother Sang Huang Xiaopang, saying goodbye to the herd mentality of girlhood)

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels

Collins Dictionary shortlisted word: deinfluencing counter-influence

Deinfluencing is also a finalist for both the Oxford Dictionary and the Collins English Dictionary, referring to counter-influence, in which some people use social media to warn followers to avoid specific commercial products or lifestyles, and to encourage consumption reduction.

For example, Michelle Skidelsky, a Canadian anti-influencer, told her fans in her post that they don't have to buy new clothes all the time because of the change of seasons or many pairs of sunglasses in a summer, but instead use what they already have and live within their means.

The essence of deinfluencing is to hope that everyone will re-examine their consumption Xi and master their own consciousness.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Cambridge Dictionary word of the year: hallucinate Hallucinate hallucinates

Hallucinate, which was originally meant to refer to hallucinations due to illness or drug use, can now also be used to describe AI systems that also hallucinate and generate false information. This year, AI tools have sprung up, but they have also found that these technologies are not perfect, and that they are more capable of producing false information, creating an illusion and taking it as fact.

The Cambridge Dictionary team believes that the meaning of hallucinate goes to the heart of human discussions about AI, and that while experiencing the power of generative AI, we are also learning how Xi interact with it safely and effectively, and that human critical thinking is more important than ever.

(Screening at the same scene: Watching the documentary "AI Era" from Existentialism|Psychologist: Avoid "survival anxiety" and be able to perceive your own abilities)

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

The representative word of the year is the mirror of the times

After reading the above representative words of the year, which one impresses you the most? In addition to reflecting the new trend of the times, these annual representative words are also our profound reflection on contemporary society.

Authentic leads us to think about the line between the virtual and the real, Rizz (attractive) shows new love terms and personality traits, and Delulu (unrealistic, overly idealistic fantasy) shows the contradiction between ideal and reality.

Deinfluencing reminds us to examine our consumption Xi and get rid of blind following, while hallucinate reminds us to be vigilant when welcoming technological developments.

These words are the epitome of contemporary social values, and an open mind to understand these words can make us more conscious and see deeper and farther in a world where information is exploding and virtual and real are interdependent.