Do you still remember the 2022 Olympic bronze medalist Wen Ziyun? At that time, her spirit of not fearing challenges in the Olympic field was impressive, and she resolutely decided to quit the national team after the competition, what is the reason for this? "Talking to Xuanxuan" invited Wen Ziyun to talk to us about what she saw and what was behind the decision.

Among the 12 achievements of the 2020 Olympic Chinese team, one of the bronze medals was won by Karate Selection Wen Ziyun, which was the first karate bronze medal in the history of Taiwan's Olympic Games.

"Talking to Xuanxuan" invited Wen Ziyun to talk to us about what she saw in the Olympic events and why she made the decision to leave the national team.

Wen Ziyun had been training for 20 years before winning the Olympic gold medal

In fact, before winning the Olympic gold medal, Wen Ziyun had already experienced more than 20 years of training. At the age of 5, she was first introduced to karate.

Talking about her relationship with karate, Wen Ziyun said with a smile that in fact, she was exposed to a lot of sports when she was a child, swimming, track and field, judo, etc., and it was not because she chose karate, but simply because she found a sense of belonging to group life in a karate gym.

"I found that I like the life of the group, and I like the feeling of everyone being together and growing together in the dojo", and the sense of accomplishment and belonging has led Wen Ziyun to practice karate for more than 20 years.

Even if Wen Ziyun said that she was not the best, and even skipped training as a peer, and she had to rely on several studies to start slowly, she did not panic, but firmly believed that the roots that were exchanged for those times could be a little longer than those partners in the same period.

is also because she has a desire in her heart, she trusts that "want" can take her anywhere, and from the opportunity of many people to know Wen Ziyun, we all know that her desire did take her to where she wanted to go.

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Picture: "Talking to Xuan Xuan"

Wen Ziyun: After careful consideration, I was unhappy and decided to leave the national team

But when she finally arrived at her longing for a few years, Wen Ziyun chose to withdraw from the national team at this time.

"I feel that at every stage of life, I have different thoughts and want to change my state of mind. Recalling this difficult decision, Wen Ziyun admitted that she cried every day during the 14 days when she returned to Taiwan for quarantine after the Olympics, at first she didn't understand why she had achieved her goal, but she still had sad emotions, and then she figured out that it was a long time of accumulation and patience.

It was before the start of the competition, even as early as the epidemic, that she could only gain tension and satisfaction as a competition, and the accumulation of pressure when she was unable to compete, and then she carried everyone's expectations during the Olympics, and there were reactions superimposed layer by layer.

Compared with when she first participated in the karate competition, she purely enjoyed the happiness between offense and defense, Wen Ziyun, who entered the Olympic hall, has deeper qualifications and more skilled skills, but she can't enjoy it well, and she can't even feel happy, so she chooses to leave the national team.

In fact, in the past games, Wen Ziyun has realized that his desire to win or lose often makes the result not the best, for Wen Ziyun, the extreme desire to win and lose, to some extent, is like a death sentence, and it is also like all the previous efforts have instantly come to naught, and at the moment will not know what he can do, At the same time, helplessness, self-blame, and anxiety follow one after another, and the expectations of the outside world are like an invisible burden on his body.

Wen Ziyun, who gradually couldn't feel happy, resolutely decided to leave the national team. The decision was courageous, and it was equally courageous to admit that he was unhappy.

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Picture: "Talking to Xuan Xuan"

Wen Ziyun said to the 2024 Olympians: I want you to believe in yourself a little more than to cheer

However, even after these difficulties, because there is still a desire for karate, Wen Ziyun firmly said that if she can choose, she will still want to experience what she has experienced again, and enjoy what karate has brought her, even if there is pain, she still wants to grit her teeth and survive.

For the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games, instead of cheering, Wen Ziyun wants to say: "No matter what you do, return to your own wants, when you know how eager you want, you can naturally play your best on the court." 」

In her eyes, the phrase "come on" is actually very burdensome, when she wants to cheer up her loved ones and care about them, but it doesn't cause too much pressure, she will want to give that sense of stability of "don't worry about us all", because she believes that when a person can feel that someone is there, he will feel at ease, and that peace of mind is that you know that everything is very stable, and you will do everything well without hesitation.

Photo: Wen Ziyun

Wei Xuan responded to this, it was probably like "everything is as it is", or more vernacularly, it is a kind of "you are what you are", there is no external expectation, but trust in yourself, believe that you know where you are going, as long as you are willing to believe in yourself, you will reach where you want to go.

And from Wen Ziyun's body, we also saw how to see ourselves a little more, how to see emotions, find what really makes you rich and desired, and after feeling the desire, bravely try, honestly see the choice given by your body is to fight or escape, and then accept the real reaction that this body gives you, and when these choices happen, see what is in your heart, so that you can make such a choice.