After nine years in the movie "Brain Teaser 2", along with anxiety, envy, boredom and embarrassment, four new emotions have returned to the public eye, not only talking about emotions, but also growing up. We then knew that growing up was my ability to see emotions and embrace them greatly. (There is thunder below)

In 2015, Pixar launched "Brain Teaser", which uses cartoon packaging to transform the five primary emotions of happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, and sadness, which are complex and rarely talked about, into concrete and understandable stories.

But emotions are changeable and complex, and there are only five options, and it is difficult to fully express all of what we perceive. Nine years later, Brain Teaser 2 is launched, and the protagonist Riley enters adolescence, accompanied by anxiety, envy, boredom, and embarrassment, and four new emotions appear.

This time, we have a new understanding of emotions.

(Plus screening in the same scene: Pixar's "Brain Teaser 2" is back!) Episode 2 4 Highlights: The new character "Jiao Jiao", voiced by "Stranger Things"!

Stills from "Brain Teaser 2".

Emotions are complex, but growing up is the process of constantly being aware and recognizing emotions

In fact, humans have far more emotions than movies show.

According to the University of California, a professor of psychology, Dach Brown. According to Dacher Keltner's research, human beings have 27 kinds of emotions, and the more things they experience, the deeper and three-dimensional their understanding of emotions will be.

However, although "Brain Teaser 2" only captures nine emotions, it subtly presents the complexity of emotions through the color scheme of the characters. There are nine emotions, each with a representative color, and if you look closely, you will find that the color of each mood is actually blended with each other and full of details.

  1. Disgust: The scarf and lip color of disgust, taken from the frightened purple, represent the nature of disgust, which may stem from fear of unfamiliar things.
  2. Surprise: The frightened bow tie, taken from the red color of anger, represents the fear behind it, but in fact, hides unspeakable anger.
  3. Anger: Angry hair, taken from Lele's yellow color, represents the venting of anger, probably to get closer to happiness.
  4. Happiness: Lele's hair and pupils, taken from the blue color of sorrow, reveal that happiness cannot be felt without sorrow.
  5. Sadness: The glasses of sorrow, taken from the frightened purple color, represent one of the sources of sorrow, the fear of injury.

All kinds of emotions, pulling each other, "Brain Teaser 2" through the character color matching, three-dimensional emotional contradictions, complex, multiple sides, at the same time, presented, when facing new emotions, people may not adapt at first, but we will eventually understand that the so-called growing up is the process of getting closer to these emotions.

(Guess you want to see: "Brain Teaser" dedicated to the child in my heart: we pick it up all the way and discard it all the way on the way to growth)

Stills from "Brain Teaser 2".

"Brain Teaser 2" Ajiao: Anxiety doesn't go away, but it doesn't always appear either

"Brain Teaser 2" uses Ajiao, who represents anxiety, as the focus of the story line, and the characters are portrayed very profoundly.

From the moment he appeared on the stage, Ajiao showed nervousness, his hair exploded outward, like the projection of all anxious people, large and small suitcases lined up side by side, he spoke fast, acted quickly, and made any decision with the intention of avoiding injury.

In the movie, Ajiao once controlled Riley's brain, and everything was based on the least amount of injury, cautiously and on thin ice, listing all the worst-case scenarios one by one.

In fact, at different stages of life, we all have similar situations to a greater or lesser extent, and we will worry about the unknown and unfamiliar, and have a tendency to seek good fortune and avoid evil. However, anxiety is like a built-in alarm system in the brain, it exists to ensure safety, and we can actually look at it normally.

Just like in the later part of the movie, when encountering strange things, although Ajiao still wants to stand in the position of the console and imagine all the potential dangers for Riley, now he knows that he doesn't have to show up all the time, and occasionally sitting in the position and inaction is also an option.

Therefore, we can believe that the part of growing up is that we can accept the existence of anxiety calmly, and have the courage to see more closely, where the root of anxiety is, and then find a way to live with anxiety, I will not disconnect with you, but I will no longer let you hurt me easily.

Stills from "Brain Teaser 2".

Growing up is not about not being without emotions, but learning to see the needs behind them

"Brain Teaser 2" not only mentions emotions, but also talks about growth.

Growth is like a double-edged blade, a person gains more agency, to try, to harvest at the same time, the responsibility may be heavier, the shoulders are heavier, the shoulders are heavy, you may find that about growth, we have a less layer of understanding - it is those who arrive, are to exchange happiness. It's like the movie line: "I don't know how to stop being anxious, maybe the price of growing up is that you're not always happy anymore."

But even if we are no longer always happy, when we grow up, we have more tolerance, willing to accept all emotions such as anxiety, envy, embarrassment, etc., and give all emotions a big hug.

Just like at the end of the movie, all emotions embrace each other, and all kinds of emotions have a meaning of existence, each performing its own duties, regardless of whether it is good or bad, good or bad.

As human beings who can perceive emotional fluctuations, no matter what the experience of emotions brings us, we should not be afraid to feel our own feelings, because what is really important is not only to see the emotions themselves, but to see the unmet needs behind the emotions, and then accept them calmly and bravely.

Stills from "Brain Teaser 2".