Hyu Everything is so fast, within 10 seconds, your table is ready, you sit in the chair, water bottle, you still one Leng Leng, the waiter has walked in to ask you: "What is the point?" "And then you're sitting across from your first date .... Stranger?

Hey, did you ever wonder what it would be like to have a date with a stranger? Let's take a look at the movie producer Stuart Edge How to raid the streets, play a super fun impromptu date. If you were raided, would you stay and develop? (same field Gayon: strangers kiss one!) Kiss, the art of Beauty in the world )

But and strangers to see the eye is about to confess, invited him to the next date, the genuine girlfriend suddenly appeared behind, also can only say next time please early! I wish you all a happy White Valentine's Day Today:

For you and your Valentine's Day offense and defense cheats.
〉〉 Valentine's Day don't want to squeeze people? Come to my house and watch DVDs.
〉〉 Eight single Happy Valentine's Day proposal
〉〉 spend a dime on a romantic full score! Three lovers Save the way
〉〉 love love not finish! Blush Red Heartbeat Valentine's Day
〉〉 's Hot Valentine's Day trilogy from Morning to night.

Type: Womany editorial office/Audrey Ko