Money is not just money, it can now be hung up with art and art activities by French artists, so that more people can look at money in different ways!

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Make Your Franklin " is a public art event organized by several French creative homes, which allows people to create a symbol of modern society: a hundred dollar bill.This
, in addition to stimulating creativity, has another purpose — the — cultural reflection " of which has been revised from the actual amount of money to a completely redesigned 100-yuan note, from historical figures to familiar game figures.(Recommended reading: French Culture Watch: French Woman Addicted?

's take a look at a few interesting designs with the big family:

Direct Bookmarks Fermoyle/Evan ston.Picture |

The red Rhapsody version of La Mousacherie/Toulouse.Picture |

Sylveain Weiss/Paris.Picture |

super version of Psycho/M é rignac.Picture |

Hot Raped Rita/Porto.Picture |