Womany editor:
In recent years, the hottest US show , the House of Card, has also been marked by the darkness of the American politics circle, but the Washington DC, which is the main location for filming, is the city's beautiful city planning, and the rich and rich, which makes the city appear unique and Guangdest.Now, let's let that the Washington DC is a tourist attraction, not the cultural history of tourists . Let's take a walk along with an educated and graceful way. The city is a landscape, listening to how it tirelessly tells the story of the United States.(More Washington, D.C.: Washington, Washington, a beautiful and beautiful scenery

Say your story, write your beauty -- interesting history of Washington, D.C.

Do you know?The US capital is actually not in New York, but in Washington, D.C.!This city can become a favorite American political culture overnight from an unheard neighborhood, and it is actually lucky to rely on it!Everyone knows that in the early days of the founding of the United States, the forces of the north were not united, and the north wanted to set the capital in New York, while the South insisted that the capital should be in the south, and the two sides had to make concessions to make the capital the capital of Washington, which was not far from the two sides.(In fact, there is a similar story in the Australia capital, Canberra, too!)

The urban planning in Washington, D.C., is designed by Pierre Charles L ’ Enfant, the French architect.The blueprints are borrowed from Paris and Versailles, where key buildings such as mountains, the White House, and the White House have been designed to design the streets of the Quadrilateral Road to make the overall appearance of the city orderly.Classical elegance and modernity have a combined blueprint, and Washington, D.C., is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.(More foreign capital stories, recommendations to you: City Dialogue, Swiss Capital Bern )

Women's World Small School : Washington, D.C., is a special administrative region directly under the jurisdiction of the United States Congress, and does not belong to any state in the United States!

The experience is your most beautiful asset-the Washington, D.C.-Humanities Tour

Washington, D.C., is a culture, and every tourist attraction has a history of the flocculation.The following are the views of the "local tourists" and the three most important scenic spots in the United States that are most important to the United States.

1. Washington Monument

The Washington Monument is one of the most representative landmarks in Washington, D.C.Its geographical location is unique, with the East Lincole Building, the Lincoln Memorial Park to the west, the Jefferson Memorial Hall in the south, and the White House in the north.It is highly recommended that you spend the afternoon on a tour of the region, in which the most famous buildings in the United States will be completely refuncted.(Although the beautiful street scene in Washington, D.C. makes a walk a kind of enjoyment, the distance between these few points is actually not too close, reminding us that we can use the advanced mass transit system in Washington, D.C., or to rent a bicycle to make the journey even more comfortable!)

The Washington Monument is the world's tallest stone construction, with its architectural body being built from white marble, granite, and other ancient Egyptian gold proportions.The building's strength is so powerful that it is well in line with the British presidency of the United States in Washington.The special shape of the obelisk has given him the nickname of a "big pencil" that is full of children's interest.Perhaps this style of humor and humor is a combination of a serious political culture that represents the philosophy of life that Americans face in a serious and enjoinable manner.

The most appropriate time to visit the Washington Monument is the spring.The coast of Washington, D.C., where the canal is located, is full of cherry trees from Japan.When placed in full bloom, a piece of pink and white on the side of the river made the Washington Monument more beautiful than the solemn and dignified memorial.(How can you not go to Kyoto! Slowly, fine-grained Kyoto )

The World's Small School of Women : The Washington Monument is a hollow building!It was once the world's tallest building, but its record was later surpassed by the Eiffel Tower in Paris.More interestingly, the United States Congress enacted the Borders Act in the early 20th century, and any building in Washington, D.C., could not be higher than the Washington Monument, giving Washington, D.C., a unique place in the jungle of skyscraps.

2. The White House

How can Washington not come to the White House?As the official residence and office of the first family, the White House has always been a mystery (and some gossip).Unfortunately, in order to ensure the security of the president, visitors can only look away from the White House's elegance on a vast expanse of lawns.The White House architecture has a new classical style, with a solemn and elegant exterior.

Because the White House is surrounded by gardens, visitors can only see the northern side of the White House administrative official residence. But this also gives you a lot of curiosity about the full scale of the White House.It is said that a large part of the White House is underground, and that the White House architecture also contains facilities for tennis courts, movie theaters, and golf courses!(Looking at the White House lawn is surrounded by a reject! Everyone appreciates the beauty of the White House while you must remember not to get too excited to cross that line of defense. Otherwise, there will be a group of muscle-looking police who will greet you.)

Women's World Small School : The White House has a lot of names!When the building was first constructed, it was called the Presidential Palace.And Madison's wife called it the "President's Castle" (the name is really cute and sweet.)In the end, President Roosevelt put it in the White House at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Next, you share

3. Capitol Hill

The Capitol Hill is the highest legislative body in the United States, and is the most frequently seen in the house of the House of Representatives.Although the top legislature sounded a little bit more than a sense of distance and distance, the Capitol Hill Building is a beautiful place for people to connect.The Capitol Hill is still designed with a new classical style and is built mainly with white marble.The mountain village has a pool, a garden, and a large area of the lawn. As the seasons change, the mountain village of Capitol Hill also has a different charm and charm.A statue of a free statue of about six meters high standing on the top of the tower is perhaps a metaphor for freedom and democracy higher than political power.(Recommended for you: Romans )

Although the National Congress Building is slightly east, it is often regarded as the heart of Washington, D.C., because the location of the building addresses in Washington, D.C., is based on the national building.

Women's World School Hall : Do you still remember that the US Congress ordered that the Washington, D.C., not be built above the Washington Monument?In fact, in addition to the statue of the statue on the top of the tower, the House of Congress secretly pretched up much higher than the Washington

Taste, the beauty of your beauty, the Washington, D.C., the beauty of the beauty salute.

After a day of graceful strolling in Washington, enjoying the humane baptism, it's time to make this trip even more flavor.Next, two Washington, D.C. gourmet cutitans, renowned for their reputation in the United States, told you that the "American" food is supposed to eat like this!

1. Sake Shack

Shake Shack is the most representative Burger Fast Food Restaurant on the East Coast of the United States.The crisp, crisp, crisp, sweet potato, and the delicious milkshake, the real meat, the meat, and the cheese flavor of the burgers are all very good for them to stop!At present, Shake Shack has few stores in the United States. It is hard to come to Washington for a trip. Of course, it can't be missed!

Women's fans sincerely recommend : share the Smoke Shack hamburger!The fragrance of the rice is blown to golden brown, with a thick burger of hamburger meat, so that you can take a bite out of your heart, all of which is satisfied from the bottom of the heart.Don't forget another milkshake, a simple vanilla or strawberry flavor, so that you can get a hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot day.

2. Old Ebbitt Grill

The restaurant is located near the White House and is the oldest known store in Washington.Founded in 1856, Old Ebbit Grill served as an old friend of President Roosevelt and President George W. Bush, and also attracted famous films such as Siempon, Tom Cruise, and the United States, each year earning five-high-level restaurants.Restaurants take seafood, steak, and so on, but the hamburgers, sandwiches and so on are just as good as they are, keeping good standards.

In addition to the enticing of gourmets, the decorator of the restaurant is also a big one.The overall presentation of the Victorian Salon style.Waiters also interact with guests enthusiastically.The atmosphere of dinner was elegant and not serious, but the pleasure was not noisy.

It is hard to find that the dining room is good, the taste is good, and the price is not high.The only drawback is that it is really too sonar to be broadcast, and the guests are always coming in an endless stream.If you want to come and enjoy the gourmet food, don't forget to make a reservation and avoid a long waiting period for your tourism.

Women's fans sincerely recommended : The Washington Post has strongly praised the oysters.The raw oysters are highly selected, and they are delicious, and they love the flavor of the oyster. This is of course a feast for the food.Friends who dare not eat uncooked seafood may wish to make a copy of the seafood stew or the crabs, the real material. Each of them takes out the fresh plentiful of the sea.

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Goeto has said that the" people love travel " is not to reach the destination, but to enjoy the fun of the journey." It's more profound understanding of the history of the destination, the stories of the scenery, the lovely cues of the food and the characters, and the journey, except for the enjoyment and the learning of the journey.

Last wanted to tell you to love to absorb the new knowledge with travel : If you had a chance to come to Washington, you could spend a few afternoon visiting a famous museum.The National Aeronautics and Space Museum has the Wright brothers invented by the Wright brothers, the Moon's rocks, and so on, which have been breathtaking and startling.The American Museum of History displays the stories of the predecessor of the American flag, the rites of the First Lady of the ages, and the stories and moves that have been filled with you.Apart from dinosaur, woollen, and marine life specimens, the museum also has a flicker jewel of jewellery.You and those who are interested in different interests will surely find it in your surprise!And even better, these museums on top of it are completely free and open!(Sibling: The wonder the more interesting it is!20 of the world's most bizarre museums )

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