Female fans invited to be good at Chinese and western mixed up the professional chef, teach you how to make relaxed and elegant French cuisine, absolutely delicious is never difficult to start.

Dear, do you feel that you often spend your time on your work, and you feel extravagant when you make a good meal for yourself or a good meal? For the French, the essence of cooking is both beautiful and delicious both, so they are not in this respect, would rather put down the work at hand, but also good to enjoy the food of a moment of cooking, in fact, should be simple and good.

This afternoon, do some French cooking with a woman fan! Experience together to make chicken leg row, soup and cakes of the beautiful, without complicated skills, with simple ingredients and absolutely sincere heart, make the tongue to dance the beautiful taste. 12/13 women fans and Philips together to invite you to participate in this woman's exclusive cooking class, and we discover the simplicity and beauty of cooking.

Olivia, a small cook who specializes in European cuisine, uses simple cooking techniques to make a happy and cohesive dish. Also a well-known blogger, since the beginning of 2011, the blog has accumulated 500,000 people; Icook loves to cook 130,000 fans, and has participated in the recipe book production editor, and is currently preparing his own cookbook.

Experience: World Kitchen King Competition Goodwill Group champion, good Mushroom Road cuisine match Vegetarian champion. Show demonstration Guests-Mei Fung has about, things have eaten, the archbishop to do dishes ...

Menu content: European wind fragrant xueshan leg row potato corn thick soup banana brownie cake

Good ceremony of the course:

Phillips Pink Insulated Gloves

One minute thin belly magic fruit juice