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Featured 350 ,000 - odd items, with OTOP Local Featured

Duration: 10/21 (V) -10/23 (days)

Show time: Oct 21 (5) 15:30 PM-21:00 p.m.

October 22 (6) 11:00 AM-21:00 PM

October 23 (day) 11:00 AM-19:00 pm

Place of display: A13 Outdoor A13, Hsinyi District, Taipei City (New Light, A11, Songshou Road, and Songren intersection)

OTOP Local Featured in the Republic of China: The OTOP Local Featured in the Soup, "the" Golden Horse "and" The Year of the Dragon, "and" The OTOP ", the" Golden Horse "," The Garden "," The Garden "," The Garden "," The Meat "," The Meat "," The Meat "," The Meat "," The Meat and the Puppies ".

OTOP Islands are divided into "Charming Taiwan", "Quality Creative Process Area", "Pop Creative Life", and "OTOP International Prize Gallery", which is a special feature of the three famous Taiwanese brands in the United States, Japan and Taiwan, and the Taiwan specialty manufacturers.What are the five specialty brands?

& Chloe LA's top tidal wave

A mix of free running elements, a little funky, a little punk, a bit of rock, sometimes a sweet, non-recurring personality.Breaking all boundaries, bold and humorous simplicity, and neat design, making many Hollywood stars so fascinable and fascinable by the gods, caravans love it different from the public!

(Alex and Chloe online preempting )

Japan's sweetest SWATi

The Candle Candle brand, created by Mayumi Nakada, created by the Mayumi Nakada, known as the Queen of the Candles.The design of the candle-shaped design, the wisecracks, the cute little, and the sweet, fragrant, sweet-sweet-scented spirit, that makes each woman feel like a little girl in her heart.

(SWATi online preempting )

from Japanese leather technology PUREDESIGN

The inspiration comes from life observations, is full of sophistication, and insists on using the best leather, and everything is time-consuming, handcrafted, emplicable, practical, personal, and focused on human interaction.It's a perfect design that emphasizes all the details, transcits time.

(PUREDESIGN online preempting )

Taiwan's Creative Apparel, Novize

From architecture, photography, rock and roll, and English culture, the design of the work began with the design of the studio, and the design of the work was designed to show a unique attitude.The core members come from different specialized fields, and the product of the collision is usually very experimental.

(Novize online preempting )

Taiwan's Creative Creative Merit

"The beauty and perfection, the sweet load for us" is the insistence of that 1mm, which treats each product with a sincere heart.Designing from life, inspiration comes from life, and we all have the right to a good design.

(Play through online preemptive )

[good health newspaper]

Onsite and "one-on-one" promotional campaigns and offer free food, DIY experience, and full consumption of the iPad 2 lucky draw, 10/22, 10/23 at 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. (100 copies each), each with a rich promotional campaign and a gift of award, and so on!