Studies show that women are more heartbreaking than men, but good news is that it may not kill you.

The first official related study in the United States was completed by researchers at the University of Arkansas, which points out that the impact of the "heart breaking population" on women is more than that of men, especially heart disease or heart failure caused by sudden psychological shock or prolonged stress.

heartbreaking segments typically occur under sudden psychological shock, positive or negative, such as lottery or car accidents, and the sudden death of a loved one.Stress hormones and adrenaline, such as tidal flooding, cause some temporary expansion of the heart and trigger similar symptoms: chest pain, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, and different places that actually cause heart disease, such as obstruction of the heart.

Most patients recover within one to two weeks, but with a small number of exceptions (approximately one percent probability) die.

Doctors first know that the disease is a disease that began 20 years ago with a Japanese scholar, and that the heartbreak is mostly found on women.So, once a woman has been treated for heartbreak, a cardiologist from the University of Arkansas, Abhishek Desmukh, wondered why the disease would have produced such a gender difference.

Based on information from approximately 1,000 hospitals in the federal database, Desmukh found 6,229 cases of heartbreak cases in 2007, of which only 671 cases (less than 11 % of cases) occurred on men.He also found that women are about 7.5 times more likely to suffer from heartbroken, while women are 9.5 times more likely to suffer from men than 55, and three times the risk of young women aged over 55.

Scholars do not yet know what is causing gender differences, but they have a preliminary idea:

The first argument is that the problem is attributed to hormones.The other is to point out that there are more adrenergic receptors in men's cells and the chemicals it secretes, "perhaps the better for men to deal with stress," said Desmukh.

About 10 % of patients suffer from relapse, but most hearts resume full functionality and do not require any post-recovery treatment and are not permanently damaged.So, one of the ways to repair the heartbreak is that time is going to treat everything.

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