There is a training experience that is more powerful than today and every tomorrow.See how female interns think about, how to learn, how to grow at high speed.

A sleepy night report comes to the office, the office is quiet all day, the office is quiet, and the office is the first to be heard. The office is overshady. The girls are depressed. We are so depressed.God, the world I hate most of Practice in front of everyone is really a science, and a hum report needs to be unimaginable, and Shuan gives us a few comments on the report (Recommended reading: [Workplace English] Presentation )

The first point is to respect everyone, don't let everyone down

If a presentation is six minutes in length, how do you get the report to have a value of six minutes?When I was on the platform, a dozen people were listening to what I was saying, not just six minutes, but six minutes per person.(You would like: The onboarding field is not afraid!)(10 minor recommendations for the) )

The second point is whether you have been practicing for six minutes

You understand the length of time before you can understand the length of time, preparation exercises are important, and not a single report is complete in six minutes, because the report is not done with a precise time concept, but rather a presentation that first outlines the outline process and understands the idea that the report is to be communicated.

The third point is whether you are happy but serious.

Each presentation at Womany is serious, is a proposal, a better approach, it's likely to become a business case in the next quarter, and it's a point of view. It's not supposed to be done in the mindset of Womany, everyone's ideas are important, we are valued, and we should be more careful about what we're going to give.How are you happy, but serious?Happiness is your gift, but it's a choice that takes you seriously, and we come here to symbolize that we and Womany have some kind of a fit, whether it's a concept, or a team spirit, here, happiness is a very important thing!(You would like to: Fall down, enjoy the failure)

After reviewing this unsatisfactory presentation, I would like to start with the spirit of the next edition of editing. It's really not going to be long. I have three small methods, and let me get back to work very quickly:

Talk to your boss

End the presentation, followed by my simulated interview, I had a visit in the afternoon, so I had to meet my eyebrows, the interview with the sisters' feedback, and I took the opportunity to talk about what I thought about my afternoon report. I also realized that I couldn't have imagined myself as bad as I thought I could be better !(Recommended reading: Young people, you must have a good value )

Feel your Team

content lab is a small, warm, small team that I can find on everyone that we can be better off together, and that we usually don't agree, together, together, together, we greet our little explosion together.When I first came here, every time I analyzed SWOT I wasn't talking about each other's flaws, but when this week's content lab was a lot of work, I found that everyone was more precise, honest, and not hurt, and we were more and more like a team of spiritualists who wanted to love each other and love our home.

Last Go for a walk

After the end of work, I stopped at the embankment and walked for half an hour, just talking to my own "Heart." The night of the summer night was cold, and it was very quiet, and I heard the sound of my heart.When you are frustrated, you go and do what you like. When you have time, you can watch a movie, sleep a good night, steal a little bit of trouble, listen to music, and eat too much.In short, take a break, to practice your life in a way that you feel happy .(We need to learn time management at all times: It's not time, it's not taking time to make good use )

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