You can't avoid losing some luster when you're in a physiological period, It's okay!The red box helps you to show the bright side of yourself with the real self.

womany Editor's: The days of the physiological period have always been very worn out , and even the basic of work is not easy to take care of (Extended reading: No pain in pain!The Catering of the Catering of the Food and Food for the Eating )

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Dear you, in your busy life, in order to show a strong, professional side, we take our own good, exquisite makeup, orderly and orderly hairstyle, and look at yourself in the mirror. Do we still know ourselves?Are they still able to hear their own physical and mental voice?In August, together with the small red box, face the most real self!During this period of time, the perfect arm was removed, put on the most comfortable clothes, and spent the last few days with the most relaxed status and the red box.

As a girl, a change in mind and mind is always faithful. (Each woman has to understand his body's secret, go to the Red Box page, Download the MC journal .), before the physiologic period, it may be irritating to annoyance, the pale complexion of the physiologic period is troubling, the little red box has the most real we, let us take care of you with warmth and love, and let us face all the challenges facing the outside world.

Take a look at the red box and look after the most real us:

Physical health is most important

When the nutrients are sufficient, the beauty will emanate from the inside out, you know?Collagen protein is an important component, which can be elastic, but the girl's collagen is rapidly lost after 25 years of age, so the red box supplements women's most needed collagen the body maintenance that you can no longer ignore after the women's 30 years of age )

It's beautiful also

Beauty Buffet, a beautiful afternoon tea-time mask, allows us to enjoy the elegance of the Earl of England tea in a busy life and balance the physiological imbalance of skin fat. Let us not let the disliked physical pox come. The beauty of the Oriental beauty confronts the dark complexion of the physiological period, and redisplays the bright skin of the water!

The champagne in black tea: The Red Tea of India's Grand Jiling has left people not drunk, and reignite a new graceful, lazy, and lazy cheeks, and leave the afternoon tea series with us to face our most authentic appearance and relove yourself.(Sibling: Gongsongsong!It's better to please others than to like yourself )

Real, natural, unadditive

In addition to irritable emotions, the physiological period is also very disobedient, and the skin is naturally disobedient, and the skin of the grumpy skin is appeased by the natural non-added application of the Q10 skin product.The composition containing coenzyme Q10 can bring cell energy to the cell energy, the anti-wrinkle skin cream improves the pores of the physiological period and the facial cream is the one that is difficult to sleep because of the biological period. There is no gorgeous appearance and smell of the nose, only mild natural ingredients, taking care of you who are real and untidy.(Extended reading: Don't use toxic warranty anymore!Skin-like organic care picks 5 steps )

You can't avoid losing some luster when you're in a physiological period, It's okay!The red box helps you to show the bright side of yourself with the real self.If you don't want to dress up, you can take good care of yourself, and show unparalleled confidence. If you lose your strength, you eat snacks and replenour your fill of energy and nutrition. When you feel restless, you can use a woman's constipation and write down your mind, and let us know more about ourselves.

Follow the Red Box in August, remove the armed forces, throw away the pain and pressure, and regain your true self, again in love with a simple and beautiful yourself!

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