Malala is present at the Oslo Education Summit, inviting leaders to begin by 2015, to present a hopeful world blueprint with her.

On July 12, Nobel Prize Malala returned to Norway, where he attended the Oslo World Education Summit.She saw frequent wars that did not create a better future for the world, but instead brought the children's suffering away from their homeland.

Data shows that as long as the world stops military activity for eight days, the money saved will be enough to provide free and quality primary and secondary education to every child on Earth every year.As a result, she called for the children to enjoy a more hopeful future , as long as the world reduces military spending together. (Siblon: 17-year-old Marala, who was shot dead because of education, won the Nobel Peace Prize: "Kill me, make me stronger." )

"I came back to Norway today to ask world leaders to pay attention to investment in education, and to pay attention to the right to free and quality 12-year primary and secondary education for every child.""I
m back here again to ask world learners to invest more in education and ensure 12 years of quality education, of quality and free, both primary and secondary education for every child."

Malala, from Pakistan, has been a writer for the BBC Urdu blog since the age of 12.She recorded all the droplets in a log-log and distributed to the world via the Internet platform.In 2009, Malala publicly released her real name, Marlal's name, through programming and articles. She received the nomination of the International Child Rights Organization of the Netherlands and the National Youth Peace Prize for Pakistan.

"Kill me, make me stronger."

But, soon, the crisis was greeted with the face of Malala's international exposure.

At school in 2012, she was attacked by Taliban militants at close range, with one bullet passing through the left brain, causing swelling in the left brain, and the life of Malala was once in critical condition.Fortunately, after emergency surgery and international cooperation, the brave Pakistani girl was fortunate to restore health.The experience of the shooting did not stop Malala from stopping, but instead determined her own .In 2012, she founded the Malala Foundation, which has a real impact on changing the world . ( Recommended to you: What is justice?Reflections on citizens' meaning from Cambodia )

( Picture source: MALALA FUND )

The Malala Foundation gives girls the opportunity to create their future by allowing girls to receive quality secondary education, encouraging positive changes to their community.
The Malala Fund empowers girls through quality secondary education to achive their potential and inspire positive change in their communities.

To continue to speak on the international dance platform, she returned to Norway, and delivered the following speech at the Oslo Education Summit:

her speech, Malala said that she would choose to stand up to the educational high, and to represent the 60 million women who were deprived of their rights to education all over the world.The future of these girls depends on whether they have an opportunity to receive a quality and free 12-year education.

The war does not give children a more hopeful future

She also represents the 28 million children who were unable to attend school due to war.Last year, in the refugee camps in Jordan, Malala experienced Mezon from Syria, which, in the eyes of this little girl, was an important daily necessity, but because of the war, Mezon had to stay away from home to live in the refugee camps.This allowed Malala to ask herself what kind of mistakes Mezon had made, what kind of mistakes were made by the children who came to the camp and forced to leave their home? ( Recommended reading: Paraguay's 10-year-old girl is raped: abortion laws, shouldn't they be passed? )

Malala and Mezon

is it important and urgent to promote child education?

Based on information provided by the Malala Foundation:

62 MILION Number of girls out of school around the world.

Girls who live in poor areas have an average of three years to go to school
3 YEARS Average time spent in education by the poortest girls.

There are 70 countries in the world where girls are threatened with violence for the right to be taught
70 COUNTRIES Where girls have faced for trying to go to school.

For the urgent nature of child education, Malala hopes that, in 2015, it is this year that leaders must take practical action.She thinks that the obstacle to change is not money, but a lack of determination.In fact, the world spends more than eight days on military spending in terms of military spending, which is equivalent to worldwide children a full year of education funding , much larger than the budget needed for education reform.

Educus our children to lead us toward peace and prosperity

Investing in children's education can pave the way for a peaceful and prosperous future for us, far more important and meaningful than investing in bullets, sacrificing countless lives and damaging the environment.

A book is a better investment than a bullet!It is a book, not a bullet, that can pave the way for us to pave the way to peace and prosperity."
" Books are a better investment in our future than bulletins. Books, not bulkts, will leave the path towards peace and probity.

Children around the world deserve a better future

order to change the current situation, Malala believes that everyone needs to break the boundaries of countries, regardless of race, gender or wealth, every child living in the earth should be given equal treatment, and should have the right to education and medical care, and leaders must treat every child in the world as a matter of their own.If nine-year education is not enough for their children, it is absolutely not enough for the children of the world, and she calls on every leader to dream of greater and greater dreams, that every child should, and has the right to enjoy a quality and free 12-year education.

After an extraordinary experience of life, Malala bravely exerts influence on the international dance platform and speaks for the world's girls.She believes that as long as there is less war on this planet, more children can have access to education.

We see a powerful in the body of the girl in Malala This Pakistani girl, just 18 years old, is standing in her dancer and systematically portrayed a world blueprint for the warmth of the world leaders, inviting all of the world's people and her to work together for the children's future. (Share with you : On International Women's Day, women's faces vanished on global ads )

Do you hear Malala's voice in those leaders who are formulating policy directions? (Sibling together : Child, sorry!The adults' world is broken )