Women who are obsessed with the " Gender Watch " notes, with their motivational and environmental implications, will be sharing their gender-related current affairs observations from short stories. From the Japanese magazine's ballot, "the easiest way for women to be single to get older" is to look at the gender issue, and older single women have a long journey to enjoy. (same field Gayon: I am single, do not attempt to explain to anyone )

In a news report, Japanese media "R25" surveyed 200 young single men, hoping to find out what men think is the most problematic when they associate with women, so they chose the top 10. The easiest way for women to be single to the old job ", the publicity of the dance claws scare those women who are too successful to pack a briefcase and go home.

The survey ranks as follows:

First place: Entrepreneurs/Entrepreneur
second place: lawyer
third place: doctor
fourth place: Consultant
fifth place: Securities Practitioners
sixth place: TV program production/director
seventh place: Insurance Practitioners
eighth place: stewardess
Nineth Place: civil servants
Tenth place: System engineer

What is wrong with women in these professions? The men interviewed said: The CEO is most likely to be private, and always in trouble; the lawyer is too strong to express his opinion at all; The female physician is too busy to work and too cautious to fail ...

The study came out, many men happily forwarded, warning the young girls around: "You work so hard, be careful no one marries you." "Also inform the older women:" You see, women are not the son of the limelight, the credit is left to men, this is the consensus of society. 」

Female singles to old jobs: women are not strong.

The first thing we see from this is that our work field imagines that equality is still biased towards men, women will be resigned to be the right-hand man. Our generation of girls, living in a knowledge system is constantly hypertrophy, social practice of too slow society. When the girls read "Lean in" ready to start, the company is there are so many nameless unspoken rules to prevent her outstanding, when the women in the political arena, can only deliberately dilute their gender identity said " Politics does not divide gender "; when entrepreneurs appear in social situations, people ask if they are looking for the investment because you are beautiful; When an engineer hands down a hard case, there is a whisper in the back that is not a secure place.

Women do bad is supposed to do well, sure things have a catch. However, the accusation of the 200 young men is corroboration, they do not like the object of intercourse, are women in the high social and economic status. They seem to be in the wrong, the housewife is very backward, it seems that the company's boys are not face. (Extended reading:"A girl is so brave," the protection curse!) Taiwan Observatory for Girls in Hong Kong )

These assumptions are all created by our gender preconceptions. We assume that a woman can't have too much trouble, to be a beautiful fool in the big biography like Daisy; we assume that women do not have the right to speak, they can only give a nod of applause to the male, and we assume that women can not work too much to get the job done when men are working overtime and waiting for him to come home.

Why can't we admit that women are good?

Because the assumption of women is so simple, so these women are single, not men afraid of them, but even if you want to fall in love with her values and knowledge is rarely the other half. In interviews with theR25 , men feared "a successful woman" who needed the value of self practice and the social connections that could support her, called " Condition "becomes more complex than ever, while women's social experience is growing, men also have to make corresponding progress, but when many people's consciousness is still stuck in the" men Talking women shut up ", it is difficult for men to" leave their self-esteem "to live with an excellent woman.

But think about it, what's so embarrassing about it? First of all, the recognition of a person's ability is not related to his gender, nature can accept different people in the field of work to show the gender temperament and means, nature can be happy to see a person's success. So I think in this study, I want to see the men who "don't know how to get along with the capable girls." The word "leftover" from China, is the product of urban evolution, they have a stable income, decent work, but in love slip, so this kind of women in the eyes of men is failure, not qualified to become a wife. But we tend to forget this, these women are not to be outdone, but to traverse the patriarchal history of the life she deserved.

The older woman leading to the ultimate love

When we talk about leftover women, most of us think of those who have plenty of time in the class, and when we talk about older women, our expectation of this word is that we will eventually move towards marriage.

After Peng Jiahui won the Golden Melody, the appearance of the older woman is like a lot of grievances surfaced, people with a variety of sympathy to see those who are drowning waiting to be rescued, as the lyrics said: "Women, we have been looking forward to marry a good husband, love a mess, also do not a person to decide." "The song is very gentle, but let a person even more pity the female life experience outside the love who cares?" Women are given more initiative to decide than to wait for true love. Older women in the herd, not only is not a love of women, or live in their posture in the story, they may not wronged, not sorry, their troubles, except love more immediate movement of the daily necessities. (Recommended reading:"leftover" survival rule: economic independence, can it? )

In older women, there are women with high initiative, women with low motivation, women with married capital, and women who have difficulty in mixture mouths. In this area, not every woman regards love as the ultimate salvation of life. Their invisible ceiling in the workplace: Married companies will silently persuade you to leave, after the birth of a child without the end of the unpaid price ... Marriage and family allow a woman to depreciate in the workplace. Some women suffer from gender-generated economic disparities: obviously do the same thing, but she can never like a man has the same economic feedback, no beautiful external conditions so that she no matter in love competition or job competition all lose a big cut, because of old age, obesity, or even the appearance of the neutral generation of job search difficulties .... (same field Gayon: to the Dear "Elder wins female": willful you, do not have to compromise with the marriage )

These are not the end of the word "older women", to the marriage to live a happy and happy days so simple.

Older women are not just imagine the love of lovers, really want to save them is not the prince, but more considerate women, good marriage in the workplace mom 's workplace justice system, a woman does not condemn the pursuit of ideals of culture, a more happy to see women successful society.

To the old sister who will eventually become, what we should care for is not to "become" or "not to be" a person, but to live the life we readily accept; to the 200 young single men in this survey, do not intimidate a good woman to be single until she is old, perhaps a relationship that has no climate or respect, Becoming the so-called older female is already the best choice for the present.