Image source: Yang Youning official fan group

The Idol play generation has talent out, following "I may not love you," Li Daren. , the girl in the mind of the best boyfriend throne will also appear another competition target: "The way of the survival of love" in the yellow to Kang---Yang Youning.

Li Daren said: "If I have seen the world you have seen, through the way you walk, is it possible to get closer to you?" "

Huang said: " do not have regrets, even if the failure , cry, life can continue, but do not forget that you beautiful value." 」

Gentle male, Yang Youning played Huang, like all of us around, has been silently waiting for warm friends. They are good communication, loyalty, more than friends closer to our hearts a little. They understand us more than anyone, for love, although seemingly warm swallow, but in fact, early in secret love experience, learned the "fight for" the importance. They are ready to love all the time, but always feel that they can be better ... (Extended reading: the limit of friendship )

such a man, how can people not love? this time, womany specially invited Yang Youning, who plays Huang, to talk about his life and his actors.

Q1. Do you think in the real world, you are like the Big Boy Huang in the play?

Yang Youning: Huang's personality is relatively quiet warm swallow, what the idea is often stuffy in the heart, and therefore with 隋棠 played Guinres often in guessing each other's mind, my personality relatively more outgoing lively, the things I like to do not chase, I will feel sorry myself. Like now in the performing arts work, I have always dreamed of, Huang to pursue their dreams back to Taiwan, and I also in order to adhere to their dreams , all the way to walk the actor road until now.

Q2. What is the power to support you in pursuit of your dreams?

The life of Love says: "Everyone living in this world, will have a hidden power to support, promote you", we also want to ask you whether there is such a hidden power to support him all the way to adhere to his dream, or behind is not also have the same without regret to support their own people?

Yang Youning: My hidden power, in fact, is my faith. I have always participated in the Church of the sharing fellowship, they are like my brothers and sisters, we will share a lot of life, work encounter problems, will encourage each other support, and will sincerely pray for each other. This feeling is wonderful, we get together because of the belief, and because of the power of faith, we can support each other, and each other is getting better. I am very grateful to have such a group of people around, let me walk all the way to stick to what I want to do. (At this point, the eyes of God are shining with earnest light) (extended reading: The eternal Way of love, make love into faith )

Q3. For you, the best relationship?

The best relationship is to be in love with your best friend!

Yang Youning: I've always felt that my other half should be my best friend , and I've always believed and waited for such a girl. Although everyone will say that the other half is the best friend this situation is not common, but I also believe that it is because of this, it is so rare, if already met, I will be good grasp, will not let her easily leave my side.

Q4, in private, do you belong to the brave pursuit of love pie or silently waiting for the pie?

Photo Source: Yang Youning official fan group

Talk about the feelings of more passive, like to use chat offensive

Yang Youning: Although very active in career and dream, but in fact, I am talking about feelings, is more passive boring type of boys, sometimes although looking at eyes, I will not be very deliberate or too active to pursue, but more often through chatting with the way to enhance each other's understanding, I also believe that through chatting, Be able to understand each other more deeply is not the person that each other imagines. If you want to sum up, I think I should be more belong to the silent waiting for the pie. (Extended reading: Four Happiness Rules for couples )

Q5. What's the most difficult part of interpreting Huang's role?

The actor, is enters another role, experiences another kind of life, sincerity is the most important!

Yang Youning: I think the hardest part is how to convey the warmth and sincerity of Huang to the viewers in front of the television. Every time I act, I pay much attention to whether I am sincere in the performance process, after all, acting is to put himself into another role, another strange life, but also must conform to a certain plot, so I will give myself a period of time to digest the plot and role, so that they can become an inner truth. So in the performance, I also very naked to their own inner feelings and love of the concept of sincerity, I was a very very into the play actor.

Q6. Can you share with us the actors on the road, not known hard?

Yang Youning: I have also experienced the so-called low ebb period bar! About eight or nine years ago, I went through a period when there were no companies or brokers. At that time, just received a Hong Kong film co-operation, so flew to Hong Kong, when I talk about the price, the arrangement of working hours, staggered publicity schedule ... Things can only be single-handedly by themselves, the role of company, broker and actor.

Q7. What impact did that low ebb have on your actors ' path?

After flying to Hong Kong and Shanghai for nearly two months, in fact, the heart is very lonely, filming the process also has a lot of hard work, because the manpower can not load the problem, so some rights and interests can not fight for their own, the body also some small condition like illness or shooting process injury ... Wait, also because the schedule is very full, so actually have no time to take a good rest or take care of themselves, and then a person in the off-site work, no friends, no family, no broker, no company, in fact, feel very helpless. But now in retrospect, but it is to admire their fearless and go forward, although nothing, but learned a lot, for me to see the actor career and enjoy loneliness has a great impact. (Extended reading: Do you have me time today?) )

Q8. If the future is not an actor, you want to do ...

Yang Youning: If the future is not an actor, I want to be a chef! Because I studied food and drink in high school and I am also interested in cooking, usually at home will do their own cooking or to do for the family to eat! The real master is not covered! (Small series secretly said: "That can do handsome chef to my home activities ?" )

Q9: Please describe yourself with three adjectives!

Yang Youning: Humorous, steady, have faith! (Small knitting to nod!) )

Q10. Yang Youning wanted to say to Womany's readers.

Whether you are single, have a partner around, have the object of love, there are suitors, remember to cherish the present self. Because I know that one day, you will certainly bring to the people around you full of happiness. (Extended reading: Happy Party program: The maximum value to create happiness )

The Life of Love quotes

"For me, the feeling of loneliness is actually more comfortable, loneliness is not equal to loneliness , although sometimes, in the heart unavoidably feel, if there is a person around, may be better, but if accompany you, not the heart of that person, that I ... Would rather enjoy quiet. 」

"He has learned regrets, regrets, treasures in my side, then all remember, finally become a better person, and then to love others." 」

"I know I'm OK, but I have company, but it makes me feel like the world is warm," said the man. 」

In love, the most heartbreaking ... Did you go ahead and I was still waiting?

Yang Youning accepted Womany's interview, frankly said his love of the survival of the way: "Enjoy every moment of love, brave to love brave to feel, find the most fit with their own Miss right! 」

What about you? What is the way to live your love?

To love bravely, because love is persistent
〉〉 Entertainer: The courage to pursue the happiness never imagined Alice
〉〉 Distance: Is it him or his heart that is not around ?
〉〉 Happy condition: A person is also very happy does not mean refuses to love

Author: womany Editorial office/Audrey Ko

Image source: Yang Youning official Facebook, source