Arctic and Antarctica , is the furthest distance in the world. Because of global warming, a polar bear who wants to drink the world's finest coffee meets a lone penguin who wants to learn to fly. So they became partners in each other's dreams and formally embarked on their Adventures . Every week, we follow their footsteps to know the world. (Classic review:"World Adventure Week" If you are different, be sure to keep the status quo )

December 14 Jenbergin Happy Birthday

You may not be familiar with this British It Girl, but you've definitely heard her name-Jean-Baek, the world-famous Berkin bag, named after her.

Jenbergin is a singer, actress and film director. At the age of 22, she did not speak French, but resolutely to France to audition, and the courage to express their own personality to win the favor of the director, get the "slogan Slogan" Heroine's position.

Before, Jenbergin in order to the inhuman way of leather to protest, at the "Bai Jin" two words from the Berkin bag back. To this end, love Hermès reiterated that in the breeding and acquisition of rare leather with the highest standards of humanity, Berkin package can also be maintained formerly. (They are brand names:"fashion" synonymous with five classic women )

December 15 Italian director Chow Damato Happy Birthday

In addition to being a prolific director, Chodamato is also a film producer and photographic technician.

Amato has a wide range of films, among which horror films and love-exploitation films are the most widely known. Amato enjoyed filming, but sometimes he was concerned about the profits of the film, even more than the possible artistic value of the electronic copy body.

Most of the works are inspired by others ' works, which are extended or adapted to bring the Italian "imitation movie" to the extreme. Despite Amato's mostly Non-mainstream film content, the one-tree subculture film still gives him a unique historical orientation.

December 16 Jane Austen Happy Birthday

Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Rationality and Sensibility, Jane Austen's work deeply influenced countless women's ideas about marriage, family and love.

19th century British writer, one of the most influential female literary writers in the world literature history. Jane Austen is good at meticulous observation of the characters, passion for creation and the pursuit of emotional autonomy, let her become the contemporary "rebellious romantic" representative figure.

The popular literary works outside of Love, as well as the independence of the present women, have made the portrait of Jane Austen printed on the 10-pound note issued in the UK 2013 years later. (Marx, Leonardo da Vinci, Jane Austen!) Nine famous words to bring you closer to life.

December 18 Brad Pitt Happy Birthday

The Brad Pitt of the sexiest male star of the year 1995 and 2000 "People", in addition to having a handsome appearance, was also the reason for his Hollywood first-line male star. (Hardy tenderness:"The Secret of Love" Brad Pitt a letter to his wife )

1991 first boarded the big screen "end of the crazy flower" on a wide acclaim, after the performance of the "Assassination of Jesse", "Benjamin's Fantasy Journey", "Orb", "The Heart of freedom" for him to bring the box office and award for the affirmation. In 2001, Brad Pitt from the front of the curtain and set up plan B production company.

He said: "Action is always more important than words, I think people will be like sharks to continue to move forward." 」

December 19 Sun Happy Birthday

Speaking of Taiwanese Taiwanese opera, Sun and Ming Wah Garden are always the first words to think of.

Parents came from a troupe, but because see Dad performance Rotundine died in the battlefield scene is too realistic, began to resist Taiwanese opera.

Married into the Ming Hua Yuan, began to contact with Taiwanese opera, only gradually fell in love with the taste of the stage, but also gradually able to understand the father in the stage staged play the kind of desperately. Whether it is because it is a food tool, but also to protect Taiwan's traditional art of persistence. Sun is a once-in-a-lifetime actress in Taiwan's Taiwanese opera circle once, Sunven.