Everyone has a dream of their own, and we all know that self-confidence, stubborn, stubborn , and know never let go before it dreams. So we all would rather make the dreams bad, don't be poor all my life , stick to what you want to do, and be very happy.When you encounter setbacks, remember that you are not alone, and we fight together.

Japan Animation Maestro Miyazaki Hayao Miyazaki Miyazaki [cliff and wave] for the latest five years of work and final force, the
Venice International Film Festival, writing a brilliant record of the seven consecutive weeks' home title --- [Wins].

Introduction to the plot

In the Great Age, a teenager who grew up in the countryside, — to become an airplane designer in the future, dreaming that one day he could make a plane like the wind and beautiful.

The Kuanto Earthquake in Japan has caused devastating damage, but it is also an opportunity for the hero and the female protagoni to meet the protagoni of the main character.The two people who were on the train were still unforgetable in the future. Even if there was a disease and a reality, the two were still together to tide over their difficulties together.

most important supporting force came from the boss of the wife's mentor, the Italian aircraft design master Kaproni, who was also the spiritual mentor of the wife and companion of the Italian jet.

The love of the two Lang and the cuisine was the dream of the Erlang to design the aircraft. However, as the dream came to a realization, the feat chose to leave quietly ...

3 more important points for [wind up]

The main character is an actual person
The hero of the story is the designer of an aircraft in the history of aviation development in Japan.Even if he does not know his name, he must have heard of the "Zero Fighter" (fighter planes) that were called fighter planes, and the two planes were designed with a zero-style fighter plane.In an age without a computer, the two of the two numerically calculated values are full of charisma.

Fusion of fantasy and reality
two are full of longing for the sky.But he gave up the pilot's dream due to poor vision.At this time, he gave the two groom's new goals, and became the Italian aircraft designer Kaproni, who was the mentor of the second son.The two-person encounter scenes are all portrayed by a poetic brush.

In 1923 (1923
, when the Erlang of the University of Imperial University experienced an unprecedented earthquake -- the Great Earthquake, the Great Kanto Earthquake

was first time that the two of the two were born.The scene of this massive earthquake is bold and ambitious. Please don't miss your special attention.The duo was also in the earthquake, and met the person who was doomed-that is, the main female character of the film, the subject of the food.But at that time, the 20-year-old was only a 20-year-old. How did they meet them?This segment is the most exciting scene in the first half of the film.

movie story

At first, Kipling's film producer Suzuki Suzuki made a proposal to film the cartoon, but was opposed by a pacifist Miyazaki Hayao, who thought that "the animated film should be a child rather than a grownup."

the past, Suzuki Suzuki was always an effective assistant to the Miyazaki campaign theme, which was the first time Miyazaki had rejected the other's proposal.Suzuki has a preference for military and martial art, and it should be answered by his work, and until a certain day, Miyazaki told him that "the only thing I want to do is to build a beautiful aircraft," to determine the main axis of the plot.

Miyazaki's idea of making this film was not to be a war game, nor was it to inspire young Japanese young people with a zero-war effort, but to describe a man who was faithful to his dream and struggled for survival.And Suzuki Toshio thinks that if Hayao Miyazaki's so-called "farewell words" want to be accountable to the world, it should be the spirit of the film that says, "Do your best to face the problems in front of us."

[Wind up ] movie trailer

[womany invites you to share the original touch]

Miyazaki Hayao, retired! His last long farewell will be the perfect period for his 40-year animated career.From a true story to a true story, the Erlang, who stood up to the dream of not afraid of the hard times, and the tacit Sui Sui, who quietly kept waiting, made people recall our initial dreams and the original love that was buried in our hearts.

Did you see the touching story?We want to invite you to womany fan-sharing to write down the feeling of the wind > and share with us your most real touch!If you have completed the following two steps, you have a chance to get a long period of time for the film to make a sound.

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