Womany believes girls have the potential to independently. Regardless of the terms used to describe women leaders, women can fully demonstrate their ability.

Jill Abramson Gille Abramson in 2011 for the New York Times 160 year first female Editor-in-Chief , when they took office, the major media reported on the major changes in the media, but in May 2014, when Jill Abramson was replaced without warning, the major media have written many reports, actively discussing the leadership style of Abramson and the possible reasons behind being replaced.

The study, by Professor Nic Subtirelu of Georgia State University, found that the journalistic language of these newspapers and magazines for female leaders has differences between the sexes , these adjectives include: pushy (pushy), brusque (rough), stubborn (stubborn), condescending (condescending) and so on.

Professor Subtirelu found that female leaders were twice times more likely to be described by pushy than men , compared Media condescending (condescending) is often used to describe male leaders, and the two biggest difference is that condescending (condescending) implies that leaders have the right to power but pushy (pushy) does not imply the meaning of power, It can be seen from here that there is not much criticism when male leaders exercise their authority, but when women are in positions of leadership, they are criticized for exercising power. (same field Gayon:CEO column: What is the most important trait as a leader?) )

Here we share a few of the most high-profile female leaders in the press, how they are portrayed:

Jill Abramson Gille Abramson

Former Time magazine legal journalist, who served as deputy director of the Wall Street Journal, has received global attention since September 6, 2011 as editor-in-chief of The New York Times, and was chosen by Forbes as the world's most authoritative woman in 2012.

Unpopular unpopular, pushy pushy, unreasonable inhuman

Abramson used to drive his editor-in-chief out of the room, and people thought it was possible because Abramson was very impersonal. - political
"If Baquet had burst out of the office in a huff, many said, it is likely because Abramson had been" unreasonable c70>-politico

a Abramson aide described her as saying, "She likes to face the governor," representing Abramson is very pushy. -- New York People
"' She confronted the top brass, ' one close associate said, and this could have fed into the management ' s narrative She was ' pushy ' " -the New yorker

“Staff…described her as stubborn and condescending” —Politico

Hillary Clinton 希拉蕊·黛安·羅登·柯林頓

曾任美國聯邦參議員, 美國第一夫人 (1993年-2001年),曾於 2008 年與歐巴馬同時競選美國總統,歐巴馬當選後選任希拉蕊為美國國務卿,是美國政壇重要女性領導者。

Anger 憤怒、Ruthless 冷酷無情、Ice queen 冰山女王

引述希拉蕊的看法:「 她認為國會現在像個植物園,無論是選用或是管理都是歷史上最糟。 」,希拉蕊對這個事件似乎有很多的憤怒
“Referring to Mrs. Clinton's assertion that Republicans were running Congress like a plantation, he said, "Whether it's the comments about the plantation or the worst administration in history, Hillary Clinton seems to have a lot of anger."” —Former chairman of the Republican National Committee, Ken Mehlman

希拉蕊被認為 冷酷 無情已經不是新聞——專欄
“The idea that Hillary is ruthless is not news” —Charles Krauthammer, columnist

希拉蕊-民主黨內的冰山女王,湧起感慨的感覺,她將贏得與歐巴馬競爭的勝利。 ——衛報
”Hillary Clinton, the icy control queen of the Democratic party welling up with emotion - and it may have won her an improbable victory over Barack Obama.“ —The Guardian

Anna Wintour Anna Wintu

since 1988, has been the United States version of the VOGUE Editor of the magazine, the fashion world's godmother, but its indifferent personality and harsh requirements so that she has a "nuclear weapons temperature Map" title, Anna Wintour's former personal assistant to her prototype Miranda Pristley created the best-selling novel "Wearing Prada Queen." The novel was later adapted to be the best-selling movie "The Devil in Prada". (extended reading: want to enter the fashion industry, the focus is not just fashion but perseverance )

Scary terrible, ruthless ruthless, ice queen Iceberg Queen

RJ Cutler in his transcript how Anna Wintour was treated as scary in compiling the September 2008 VOGUE magazine . Robot , her behaviour gnawed at the heart and soul of the people. -- Entertainment Weekly
RJ Cutler ' s documentary chronicling scary robot Anna Wintour as she-gnaws her way through the hearts and souls of the   Humans involved with Vogue ' s September 2008 issue. -entertainment Weekly

Anna Wintour is a well-known American edition of Vogue magazine in the ruthless and with Ambition Editor-in-Chief, she is the most powerful woman in the fashion world, leading the fashion trend. -- Daily Express
Anna Wintour is the ruthlessly ambitious and iconic editor of US Vogue who's reputed to be the most powerful I N Fashion and who sets trends -daily Express

Anna Wintour, thought to be the queen of the iceberg, finally melted! --New York Daily
"After a long Wintour, the ice queen is finally melting" -new York daily News

2014 Times Magazine hundred big votes selected, including former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is on the seventh list, with a total of 41 women, the largest number in history, but the media's portrayal of female leaders implies social stereotypes about female leadership.

"Lean in Come forward" Author: Face book Operation long Xue Rou Sheryl Sandberg also said, "If girls like to command others, we will say girl overbearing, as a boy, we will say he has the leadership character, so different expectations, Restricting women develop leadership. "

when the media adds negative words to women leaders, and even articles that say women are not suitable for leadership positions, and so on, these are likely to limit other women the pursuit of success and excellence , it's a pity for women or society as a whole, and womany believe girls have limitless potential. can be independently, even can become a good leader, no matter what adjectives in society to describe female leaders, as long as we understand their talent, not by social stereotypes like limitations, I believe that women will be able to fully display their ability to glow on the stage . (secretly say to you: " Why in fact you are very clever, you dare not admit " )