people often say, “ A friend or a good ” is a kind of tacit tacit understanding. Who is in the heart of the mind? They have a meal in these two days!

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you imagine a life without friends? A friend is like a stimulant in life, keeping you out of curiosity and pleasure in the . They are the learning objects that teach us how to engage with people, with other than their parents and schools, and are also a window of the world that we watch. In our journey, our friends play a very important role, and at the bottom of the tide you have the backing of you, so you don't have to fall down. Slowly, we understand that there are a wide variety of people in the world, and that everyone is unique, and that it is difficult to understand each and every one of them: along with a person .

This is a world where every person in the world is slowly changing, with high school, high school, and so on. I am not a friend of the world, but I am not a friend of the world.(Extends us): Really? 20. The 15 events of the Empress of the Empress: )

you have read the following seven reasons, you will understand that it is absolutely not possible to give up on the “ old friend ”

: At least, you can embrace your beautiful memories, no one does not love matter of

time you meet with high school and university students, you always talk about how many blind dreams were made together. The exam-cheating cover, your next table student, fantasy one day you can always go out and go shopping, sneaking out of the backdoor, crimping at the back of the night, the embarrassment of the first place at the university, your face, your secret , only you know. (You would like: lost love, a better sister you )

is a wonderful feeling, some silly things that I've ever done, but now I think of it, but happy and pure, you've been through the happiness and the sadness of growth together. If you don't always want to contact each other, of your ridiculous youth . (Recommended reading: To youth, those who can't )

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day, we write our own stories in each of them, and the story of most people seems to always simulate two possible outcomes, but each person is in the middle of the story “ process ”, all very . The character of the person is that we always use our own opinion to interpret the desired life.

old friend who hasn't been in touch for a long time has been in use, and you've been in a different environment for a long time, have access to different people, and you have unique nutrients in each of you Horizons , you can also give him a unique insight. You'll find out, You're one of the windows in the world, and they , when both windows are open, fresh air is flowing between you, and everything gets even more interesting! (You would like: in love with your own )

: Only old friends know and definitely how much you have grown up

more people grow up, go to society, enter the workforce, and many things seem to have become more complex and more difficult, and it's hard to live in a year of life, and in reality, sometimes we have to forget ourselves. (Recommended Reading: woman is over 25, why can't you have your own dream? )

dreams that were once owned, forgotten what they wanted to be, and the innocent days of dreamless dreams are no longer coming back. It is very likely that we will slowly become a “ that does not hold down ”, and will no longer voice your opinions, no longer to the right . Let's meet old friends at this time! See the original self in his eyes back to this world you once firmly .

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page continues to see who is the best friend of yours!

: You will know who is a true

often end up with friends. In fact, friendship is not really something that can be sustained. Have you ever felt this way? The more we grow, the less our friends we need, the less we believe, the more we don't believe, we need friends.

an adult, you may have realized that many people are just “ acquaintances ” in our lives, but few are willing to admit, we would rather be illusions, friends in our lives, because we don't want to that I was so .

may have experienced a lot of social problems, you may not even believe that someone will really “ you ”, so it becomes more and more lonely and disappointing over time. At this time, you should look at these are the people who are left behind by the time of the election? (Recommended Reading: truthful than movie

: Later you learned that your original friend was also

If you are lucky enough to have the “ old friend ”, you will learn quickly how to tell the depth of your other friends in your life. There are people who can always talk about the topic and talk about gossip, and some people of your heart. (Workplace sisters must read: 5 tips to get you in the )

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: Your life will not only “ now

we grew up, went to high school, went to college, found a job, and we lost a lot of traditional values along the way, because to , we slowly lost contact, and because our lives are constantly moving forward, and constantly touching new areas, we have no effort to reach old friends anymore.

you find that your life is not something else but work, and work, there's nothing else. You should stop now and see if you're missing something important. There is less than one person who can complain about, and no one who can laugh with you. A person not only wants to “ the right ”, more to learn “ to remember the past ”, and now you are a yesterday, a long road that you once had, who always help you grow up to be what you are . If you are brave enough to look at you in the mirror, do you recognize yourself? If you forget, forget the last time you were in front of the crowd Laughed When is it? Call your old friend now! (You would like: more important than )

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: Friends are one of the essential elements of our life, the people who care, you should leave him

“ The remaining person is left behind.” It is often said that this sentence should be taken away, but the true friendship that is worthy of your heart needs to be carried on seriously. Is it natural to reach the other side of the shore? Looking back and finding no lights, we often have a great inertia ” the “ maintenance of friendships, because you're used to being around us, getting used to it. He's going to call you, don't contact when you're busy, don't freak out. about , because “'re not there when they need you.” (You would like: don't need to always be strong: five vulnerable )

Lazy and busy is not a good idea who doesn't care about friends. If you really have that 800-year-old friend, you're lucky to be lucky enough to burn incense and start to take care of this “ old friend ” who has quietly been around you, because, 've met someone like this, it's a lucky .
